Commercial and Music Video Director

Lyla Rose was one of the youngest female directors to be added to Free the Work roster in 2018. This year, Lyla has been selected as a semi-finalist for the Commercial Directors Diversity Program (CDDP). A highly selective program powered by the Association of Independent Commercial Producers (AICP); the CDDP consists of workshops, mentorships, networking and shadowing.

An empathetic storyteller, Lyla loves the challenge of short-form content; getting viewers to care within a brief timeframe. ‘Bloodstream’, Lyla’s music video that tackled sexual harassment, was awarded Best Music Video at the Musicbed Competition. Her national campaign that she wrote, produced, and directed for NARAL Pro-Choice America ‘The Future is Forward’ gained international press. Her music video for Atlantic Records gained over 2.5 million views on YouTube.

Lyla on set directing ‘Tell Me That It Never Really Ends’ for Noted Management

Lyla on set directing ‘The Future is Forward’ for NARAL Pro-Choice America